الثلاثاء، 16 أغسطس 2011

Egypt Tourist Attractions

                                   Egypt Tourist Attractions
Egypt has been a popular tourist destination for centuries. Herodotus, the world-renowned Greek historian, visited Egypt in the 5th century BC, and was so impressed that he wrote of Egypt 'nowhere are there so many marvellous things...nor in the world besides are to be seen so many things of unspeakable greatness.' Egypt is still known for its amazing archaeological wonders, especially the Pyramids of Giza . Millions of tourists, archeologists, and culture lovers from across the world visit Egypt every year and get enchanted by its pyramids, temples, mosques and great monuments of the Nile Valley, as well as the stunning beaches and diving resorts of the Red Sea.
Egypt offers its visitors a varied choice of tourist attractions ranging from historical sites to museums, temples, scenic landscapes, recreational spots and much more, to keep them engaged. Cairo , the capital city of Egypt and also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the most visited city in Africa. Other popular travel destinations in Egypt include Aswan - a beautiful winter resort; Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh - great diving resorts; Alexandria - a historic site reminding one of the great warriors Alexander and the Romans and beautiful Cleopatra; and Luxor - known as a living and open museum. Visitors and adventure seekers can also consider visiting Marsa Alam, Lake Nasser, Red Sea, and the arid mountains and desert oases of Sinai. The Red Sea resorts of Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh offer some of the best diving locations in the world.
Among must see tourist attractions in Egypt include the amazing Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx , the Egyptian Museum, the temples of Luxor, the Valley of the Kings, the Library of Alexandria, the Temples of Abu Simbel, Temples of Karnak to mention a few.

                              Basic information


Is the capital of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Major Cities: Alexandria, Port Said, Suez, Ismailia, Tanta, Damietta, Aswan, Luxor, Asyut, Zagazig, Sohag, Fayoum, Arish, Sharm El Sheikh, Marsa Matruh, Minya, Menoufiya, Beni Suef, Marriott, Hurghada, Cairo, Mahalla.
Area: 997.738 sq km.
Population: approximately 70.7 million inhabitants (2002)
Official language: Arabic language and used English and French languages ​​in commercial transactions.

National Day: Holiday in the Revolution, July 23 (the 1952).
Time: two hours + Greenwich.
Currency: Pound = 100 piastres = 1000 penny
Electricity: 220 volts.
Phone: international line 02
Weekend: Friday to government departments and the private sector Friday or Sunday.
Hours: 8 am to 2 pm, and the banks, it is 9 to 1.30 pm and from 10 to 12 on Sunday and bank holiday on Friday and Saturday.


Mandatory for all foreign visitors except nationals of Arab countries.
Ports and airports: Cairo International Airport at a distance of 22.5 km from the center of the country and the Alexandria airport 8 km away from the middle and there are airports in all of Aswan and Luxor, Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh and several other airports. There is the main port of Alexandria and there are other ports in Port Said, Suez and Damietta.
Administrative division: Egypt is composed of 26 governorates in addition to the Luxor City Council .. The governorates are: Dakahlia, Red Sea, Lake, Fayoum, Gharbia, Alexandria, Ismailia, Giza, Menoufiya, Minya, Cairo, Kaliobeya, New Valley, East, Suez, Aswan, Assiut, Beni Suef, Port Said, Damietta, South Sinai, Kafr Shaykh, Matruh, Qina, north Sinai, Sohag.
Natural resources: petroleum, natural gas, phosphates, iron ore, manganese, tin, zinc, gypsum, asbestos.


Egypt's moderate climate prevails in total almost half of the northern climate in the Mediterranean basin variable depending on the four seasons in the Western Sahara dry weather prevails not exceed ten percent humidity. And be hot and dry summers and cool rainy winters.

                                                         About Geography

Egypt is located between latitudes Width 22 and 31.5 north of the equator and between longitudes 25 and 37 ° east of Greenwich which occupies the northeast corner of the continent of Africa and in the heart of the Arab world between the wings of Asia and Africa and is bordered by Libya to the west and Sudan in the south, Palestine and the Mediterranean Sea from the north and the Red Sea the east. And topography of Egypt consists of four sections: the first agricultural land and the River Nile, the most important natural features of Egypt, mentioned here because Herodotus «Egypt gift of the Nile», the longest river in the world and of «6690» km, Delta takes the form of a triangle head in the south, where the branches the Nile to the branches: Damietta Rashid and the east and west, where Delta is characterized by fertile soil. The second part is the Western Sahara, stretching from the Nile Valley and Delta to the Libyan border in the west to the borders of Sudan from the south and an area of ​​68 percent of Egypt's area. And the third Eastern Desert «east of the Nile» to the Red Sea and an area of ​​22% of the area of ​​Egypt. Section IV the Sinai Peninsula, an area of ​​6% of the area of ​​Egypt.

                                                              Suez Canal

The most important sea lanes in the world, linking Bahrain to the Red White and shorten the ancient trade route around the Cape of Good Hope mile 184 km began drilling in 1858 and opened in 1869 and for Egypt fought three wars 1956, 1967.1973


Egypt's history lies in the cultural monuments and archaeological sites that remain
The chapters tell the history since the Pharaonic era, the first
In the museum collections of Egyptian, which records the many precise details about the life of nations and peoples that lived in the Nile Valley for about seven thousand years and even our time.
Perhaps it can be said that the history of Egypt is different about the history of many countries
That record the history according to the succession of political regimes that ruled
In the history of successive civilizations of Egypt recorded
And left after the demise of the legacy received by the back adds to it.


Is the capital of Arab Republic of Egypt and the largest cities in Egypt and Africa is divided into three regions major tourist: Islamic Cairo, which embraces many of the Islamic monuments such as mosques, markets, palaces and walls, and the Azhar, which was built during the Fatimid caliphate, as well as a minaret as well as museums such as the Museum of Islamic Art, which located in the area of ​​the door of the creatures, which includes 80 thousand works of art represent the Islamic civilization, most notably the biggest Quran in the world, a handwritten and a group of Fatimid ceramics and drawing of the Holy Ka'aba on tile of porcelain to a group of incense burners, candlesticks, and there are museum Jawhara Palace built by Mohamed Ali and also a museum Manial Palace, built by Prince Mohamed Ali Tawfiq, the architecture model combines Turkish, Arabic, Persian, and a rare collection of manuscripts and artifacts of the Ottoman era.

In Cairo, the other a Christian stockpiles area of ​​ancient Egypt, where the Church of the outstanding, which was built on the south tower of the fortress of Babylon, the headquarters of the Roman army in ancient Egypt, was built on the model Albazhelka also the Church of Abe Products Shop, where she settled the Holy Family after fleeing to Egypt and has three structures and the lobby of a 12 a column decorated with pictures of the disciples of Christ and the Church of the Virgin peace be upon them, known as the «short Reehan» and the Church of St. George, built in the thirteenth century and the Church of St. Barbara, built in the early Islamic era, and there are attractions other Christian like a tree the Virgin located Matareyah and the Coptic museum that contains books rare up to seven thousand books on art and Coptic Coptic language and history of Egypt during the Coptic period.

The third section of the Cairo tourist is Pharaonic includes City Online, north of Cairo, the city of Memphis, capital of ancient Egypt, the most important landmarks the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, the Sphinx, and boats sun and the effects of Saqqara and Oherm Unas and the tombs of the nobles, and the effects of a dead hostage, the Statue of Ramses II and the Temple of Ptah Temple of mummification White Calf and the Memphis triad of granite and the Temple of Ramses II and the first compartment T and the effects of Abu Sir and the effects of Dahshur.
In Cairo, Egyptian Museum there, which includes more than 150 thousand pieces before, and hundreds of thousands of pieces in stock.

The assets of the museum's collection effects of Tutankhamun's tomb also includes a statue of King Khafre, King Menkaure and the treasures of the princesses of the Twelfth Dynasty, and in the pyramids area, the project sound and light tells the history of Egypt in several languages ​​within one hour of time, interspersed with music and other influences, and there are a number of other museums in Cairo.
Bey, Sultan Al-Ghouri mosque and Amr ibn al-Aas and Ibn Tulun and Sultan Hassan and Muhammad Ali.


                                             The most important features

                                                  Alexandria Library

Egypt's second capital and the largest ports on the Mediterranean Sea, but is the largest and most important ports on the Mediterranean North Africa, which houses the treasures of the ancient landmarks, and enjoy nature are rare and mild weather throughout the year. And extends back more than five thousand years and tens of tourist attractions of modern and ancient, which includes mosques, churches, castles, museums and monuments Pharaonic, Greek, Greek, Islamic and where the markets and old palaces and gardens, and addresses its civilization outstanding library of Alexandria, which was newly built to be a monument cultural and civilized world, and the shores of Alexandria famous full of stunning new tourist facilities and resorts, recreational, therapeutic and cultural rights.
A city where fresh water meets salt water and fresh approach her because of the Nile River through the Mahmudiyah Canal, which run through the length of the city and the salt water of the Mediterranean, let alone what the visitor joins it from the screen faces and hospitality Alexandrian.

                                                            City markets

Alexandria was famous in the Middle Ages a lot of different industries and quality, the most important textile industry, pottery, glass, soap and ships, is perhaps the most important textile industry is famous for the city, so the Arabs rely fame in the covering of the Kaaba.

Of the most famous markets of the ancient city, which attract tourists «market Attarine» which had regard to the sale of all types of spices, legumes, seeds, grains, and then expanded its activities to include all other goods, from clothing, equipment and shoes, etc. There are also markets an old still retain characteristics such as the «market thread» which handles the sale of all types of yarns, and Alzraar, and Alsst, and all the art supplies for embroidery, knitting and market «rue sixes» specialist supplies for all women, and the Moroccan market .. And others.

                                                                   Bey Citadel

Fort is located Bey established by Muslim leader Sultan «Nasser bin Qalawun» to defend the city, on the island of Pharos district, works, one of the castles famous in the world due to its buildings fortified smart and great architectural, located at the northern end of the entrance to the eastern port in the same location as the lighthouse Alexandria the Great, the castle was built in the fifteenth century.

                                      Libraries and art museums

Proud of Alexandria always being the first city in the world contained the largest libraries of global ancient times, and recall ancient Library of Alexandria, which burned, or destroyed, and libraries «municipal library», which is one of the oldest libraries containing manuscripts and rare books for the Islamic conquests of antiquity Perhaps, the most recent library was established in Alexandria is a library of new alternative for the old library which was destroyed, has been created by the dream of hundreds of years became reality and a monument stands tall before us today «area Shatby» or «the tongue Series» specifically on the Mediterranean coast in the neighborhood Old Royal belongs to the civilizations of Egypt Romanian, Greek, and Islamic.

                                                Palaces and museums

Contain Alexandria, many of the mansions the best known and most important «Palace Park» overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, which mediates an area of ​​350 acres of fertile agricultural land planted with wonderful trees, and a group of flowerbeds and gardens, it is heaven on earth, and is adjacent to the palace palace called «Palace Salamlek» was dedicated to the men of the king before, and the short third so-called «Palace harem» special women footnote, were constructed all to the Islamic model, there are also shortcomings such as the Palace «Antoniadis» gardens cruise, which also lies amid stunning gardens are spread around statues created by great artists, and «Al Safa Palace» Zezenia district, and «Palace Arabism» and «Ras El Teen Palace» at the top of the fig or sea, as well as the palace of Prince Kamal area of ​​Stanley, and others.

                                    Tourist facilities and recreational

Occupy Alexandria, a coastal strip up to 70 km on the sea, which is filled with many tourist facilities and entertainment such as cinemas, nightclubs, clubs, theaters, etc., and is beauty Corniche, the city and expand the weak area, and established many of the recreational areas and tourist attractions nearby and are not overshadow the enjoyment of the vision of the natural beauty of the sea The beaches that extend from Abu Qir to the end of the northern coast near the city of Cairo, where tourist villages stretching designed the latest models on the international tourism along the coast. In Alexandria, tens of thousands of furnished apartments located in all districts of the city, in addition to dozens of hotels, both in the first place, or at least of the class and also scattered along the coast and within the city. And also the types of restaurants, attractions, parks, public and private parties and dense forests of the city and the lush fruit trees, and streets decorated with statues and massive marble columns.


Located in the heart of the city of Fayoum, Egypt between the Nile Delta and Upper south-west of Cairo, a distance of 100 km, one of the oases in the Western Sahara is a microcosm of the Sea, Egypt, where Joseph is gaining and delta and represents the north coast of Lake Karun. Fayoum and gather all the elements of the attractions and features Btksha moderate throughout the year. Has emerged in which the successive civilizations of Egypt and left their mark through the Pharaonic, Greek, Romanian, Coptic and Islamic. The area of ​​the province of Fayoum (6068.70 km 2) which comprises five administrative positions are (Fayoum, Sonoras, Etsa, Tamia, Ebshiway).

Has met with the three kinds of Fayoum environments - coastal, rural and desert - together in beautiful harmony, but it is not available. Among the most prominent features of the coastal environment that are a magnet mainly for tourism Lake Karun, which lies 20 km from the city and 80 km from Cairo and is available in water sports, fishing and bird watching migratory and resident and located on the south coast range of facilities and tourist villages.

                                              Tourism desert environment:

Close similarities Fayoum oasis, where desert is surrounded on all sides except the point of contact with the Nile. Therefore, the desert represents 62% of the area which is rich in Npatadtha and formations of geological and mountains and hills and deserts and valleys and her eyes natural and birds and animals wild rare, has announced the desert north of Lake Karun and around the lakes of Wadi El Rayan protected natural because they contain components of environmental and natural rare.

And allow tourism in the Fayoum desert safari, sport, tourism and medical tourism, ecotourism and cultural tourism, visit the sites of ancient fossils
The effects of pre-human history, and before the Pharaonic, Greek and Romanian region.

                                                            Museum Port Said

Includes about 90,000 artifacts, dating back several centuries: the Pharaonic, Greek, Roman, Coptic, Islamic, modern era.

                                                  Military Museum Port Said

Of paintings of the battle for Polyphonic 1956 and includes some of the pieces of war and military tools for the wars of 1956 to 1967 - 1973.

Beach and the Cathedral of San Rahman
Areas for fishing enthusiasts, beautiful bridge, stone Said, Port Said, Port Fouad bridge services.

                                                          Nice Island

, About 9 km and can be accessed from Ballnchat marine terminal in Port Said.


The Luxor, which lies about 620 km south of Cairo, a storehouse of ancient Egyptian civilization and more than «800» and the shrine of the most fascinating archaeological and heirs of the heritage of Egypt's human. Remained Luxor (Thebes), the capital of Egypt until the beginning of the Sixth Dynasty Pharaoh, when the capital was moved to Memphis in the north.

There were several names that were fired at the Luxor in its history, and most famous city cent door, and the city of the sun, and the city of light, the scepter and the city, and called the Arabs this name: Luxor, collection Palace, with the beginning of the Islamic conquest of Egypt. It is considered the most important tourist Mashta in Egypt and a magnet for lovers of the Pharaonic civilization. The town has a unique character that distinguishes it from all parts of the world, where one of the most important tourist attractions in Egypt, and has more amount of ancient monuments, which is not without a place where the impact of the speakers the greatness of the ancient Egyptians thousands of years BC.

The Luxor has a lot of effects, most notably the Temple of Luxor and Karnak Temples and the Museum of the city and the tombs of the Valley of the Kings and Queens and the mortuary temples and tombs of nobles and other effects timeless. The Luxor has seen great interest in repairing effects and museums over the past years, with the opening of the third floor of the temple of Queen Hatshepsut, the first time after its restoration, as being the completion of the restoration of the tomb of Horemheb's largest and most important tombs of the Valley of the Kings, in addition to the installation of electronic gates to all archaeological sites open to secure it against theft.

Because the Luxor attract the largest segment of foreign tourism inflows to Egypt, especially the tourists, Italians, Germans, Englishmen, who are attracted and attracts large numbers of intellectuals, artists and those interested to touch their art, from paintings and statues of aesthetic and technical, along the path of the passage of tourists, and beautify the 18 arena, from through 18 works of art that combines ancient Egyptian art and art contemporary Egypt, and the rehabilitation of the Nile Corniche and lit commensurate with the nature of Luxor, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and the Supreme Council of Antiquities.


The Aswan second most provinces to fullness effects Pharaonic including the island of Philae and the Temple of Governor's house, and the Temple of Kalabsha and the Temple of Edfu and the Temple of Kom Ombo and the effects of the Nuba and the monastery of St. Hydra and cowardly ancient tribal cemetery of Al-Anani, fortifications, Aswan and the most important tourist attractions in the island of plants and the tomb of the Aga Khan, and includes the city of Abu Simbel temples first-Ra Horakhty and the second wife of Ramses II, Nefertari


Sinai Peninsula is famous for its beautiful beaches stretching from east to Kantara Rafah along the 210 km and most important of these beaches north-Arish and Rafah and Kherobh between El Arish and Rafah and Lake Bardawil in which the wealth of the richest fisheries in the region.
And south beaches along the Gulf of Aqaba and Suez, including: Ras Mohammed - Sharm El Sheikh - Nuweiba - Dahab - Taba.

The governorates of northern Sinai and southern link between the continents of Asia and Africa, an area is a peninsula of the surrounding water their land, the North Sinai Governorate capital, El Arish, the South Sinai Fasamtha phase, the most important features of the attractions in the south of Sinai Temple Srabit server and Castle Soldier and the Citadel of Saladin and there are also some of the areas suitable for hospitalization are the eyes and springs located in its territory and hot sand, soft treatment of rheumatic illnesses, including Pharaoh's Bath and Bath of Moses, has also prepared conservation areas for the exercise of a hobby climb mountains and to the many mountains, and is characterized by natural reserves, including the Ras Mohammed and the St. Katherine Protectorate, while the northern Sinai then she archaeological features a castle-Arish and the cave and dates and Jura and Farma, Tharu, in addition to its beaches such as El-Arish and the enjoyment of staying in the desert terrain is the availability of conditions in the mountains and sandy plains.

Every day The city of Sharm el-Sheikh in South Sinai Governorate new, so it had yesterday discover something different today if it had. This is the truth that turned with the vast desert and high mountains at the crossroads of the Gulf of Aqaba and Suez and the Red Sea into a modern city in 10 years only, which empowered the Sharm el-Sheikh to win the award by UNESCO for being selected among the top five cities of peace in the world among 400 cities worldwide.

The process of real development of the city according to the specific objectives is to preserve the natural resources available in the city, venerating, and not compromising the environment, land and marine flora and the establishment of a new society applying the policies of non-traditional, and benefit from the site of Sharm el-Sheikh distinctive and turn it into a tourist center, a world unable to compete with centers international tourism in Europe, Asia and America.

                                                            Sinai resort of summer:

Located on the east bank of the Gulf of Suez and its sector north extends 40 km and includes the stations north of the eyes of Moses and the southern eyes of Moses and Ras Dhash and sector south length of 55 km, which includes centers north and south of the head Mtarma and Nekheila and New Stadium this resort destination for outstanding eco-tourism (Alacouturesm) and which can be exercised Sports sailing, swimming, diving, safari adventures, or spas and to identify the historical and cultural attractions.

Can access the area of ​​Ras Sidr land, sea and air is about 200 km from Cairo by road through a tunnel Shahid Ahmed Hamdi and sea ports of Suez and El-Arish, literary and stage. It was in July 2000 signed a contract to build an international airport in the region is running a system of «me. Or. T »as of last July. There are three international airports serving the area of ​​Ras Sidr, namely: Cairo and Sharm el-Arish and Sheikh.

In Ras Sidr elements of tourist attraction variety of sandy beaches, picturesque soft length of 95 km, air and refreshing to the mountains of garment or mountain Pharaoh, which provides the opportunity for amateur bird watching and there is no mountain goats and camels trained to walk in the mountains and valleys and the most important elements of the tourist area health resorts sulfur discovered by Pharaohs since 5000 in a bathroom and the eyes a natural sulfur temperature of up to 75 degrees Celsius. There are valleys that attract amateur safaris, fishing, such as Algrndl Valley and Wadi Valley Taraki good and which is rich in unique plants and trees and birds, especially migratory birds, quail.

There are at Ras Sidr three groupings are the eyes of the Bedouins, Wadi Musa and Abu Grndl Essaouira and there can be identified inherited tribal customs and the arts and business, such as Bedouin handicrafts value of the factory, the famous inlaid with turquoise and clothing embroidered Bedouin music and the arts.
Sinai is a crossroads of civilizations and cultures, ancient and divine messages since the era of the Pharaohs and the Prophet Moses and Jesus and the Greeks and Romans, and archaeological sites are: the eyes of Moses and Pharaoh's Bath and the Valley office.

                                                                   Ain Sukhna

The closest beaches to Cairo (140 km) has made the weather mild and nature of the witch of the best areas for vacations and holidays in summer and winter, and extends for a distance of 80 km on the Red Sea coast which is characterized by scenic wonderful, water-colored brightly multiple collections of fish enormous and its environment rich marine, and the sand white and soft beaches, pristine . And the intervening hills with rocky geological formations are rare.

In Ain Sokhna Amormon find the beaches and sea sports Calanzlaq literal translation of the water and speed boating and fishing trips marine and a long list of pleasures and hobbies, and activities available in the region. And are components of nature in the Ain Sukhna and charm and are especially attractive and Ataka Mountains Majesty's Navy, and others with valleys (Dune, Wadi Abu stairs), a key element in the elements to attract tourists and local visitors.


Located 385 km south of Suez, was founded the city of Hurghada in the early twentieth century, and is now the most important tourist resort on the Red Sea coast, and a global center for aquatic sports of swimming, fishing and boating, skiing, scuba diving, where the rarest coral reefs, and marine organisms.

Giftun Island: a great place to practice diving, and watch the deep sea using a glass bottom boat or submarine. There is also the Aquarium as well as there are many effects ROMANIAN at Mount smoke soon. And there they can exercise safari and exploration of the Red Sea mountains.
Red Sea Governorate

                                                                  Marsa Alam

Attract the city of Marsa Alam on the Red Sea and located about 280 km south of Hurghada diving enthusiasts and researchers from the rest and tranquility, where the sun meets the water and with the magic of nature scenery, and where the tourist finds pleasure that aspire to in any season of the year. Marsa Alam is a promising area for expansion of tourism and urbanization, so set the Egyptian Authority for Tourism Development with the Red Sea Governorate within the general plan of the new tourist centers on the coast of the Red Sea.

The Marsa Alam Airport, which opened recently as a main gate to achieve such development along the 120 km. The international airport is located 60 kilometers north of the city, and includes a major transit route for take off and landing of aircraft with a length of 3 km and width 45 meters, and bears the landing of large models. It also includes a sub-passage control and a passenger terminal and another for the visitors, along with weather stations and a parking lot.

The recent construction of the largest hotel on the Red Sea with an area of ​​300 thousand square meters and consists of three hotels connected with Room A five-star, and the total area constructed by the hotel 100 000 square meters, about 30% of the land area, along with parks, restaurants and entertainment venues and swimming pools and sports stadiums.

The hotels in the face of an international conference center can accommodate more than 300 people, and the cost of the resort of Marsa Alam $ 200 million and expected the implementation and start-up year-end 2005. Also recently been the construction of the yacht marina by a specialized international offices can about 1000 yachts with lengths of up to 150 feet. And ended the first phase last year Bmstah water 150 square meters in depth up to 600 meters. The length of the sidewalks around 3,200 linear meters and accommodate 500 yachts of various sizes and marina equipped with all services of tanks Aelloukot and water lines, electricity, phone, fax, and total cost of investment of $ 20 million and is coordinated with the relevant authorities to start operating by the international.

Is expected to complete the second phase of this project in late 2005 and includes construction of sidewalks to accommodate about 500 yachts, and then Corniche along the 2 km to the establishment of places of entertainment and entertainment also contain about 165 shops and 22 restaurants and an estimated cost of the Marina Corniche together some 85 million dollars.

The hotel contains a port for diving is located on the right side of the marina in Port Ghalib so that enthusiasts can dive boats diving connect their own front of the hotel completely. The hotel consists of 200 rooms equipped with all the amenities necessary for the exercise hobby diving, and the extension of the Centre for a global training provider with the latest devices will enable location of the hotel on the Marina easily visit months diving areas in the Red Sea such as the islands of peridot and two brothers, and others that enjoy the waters of marine life is scarce.

                                                              Western Sahara
                                                                 Siwa Oasis

Jumped the Siwa Oasis to the list of tourist attractions Egyptian mission in the last twenty years despite being one of the oldest sites and set her free. And spun around a lot of stories and myths and speculation that some are trying to prove, and others are trying to deny. Remote location in the Western Desert of Egypt, its people and customs and traditions different from the rest of the population of Egypt, and their own language are all factors that increased the attraction of tourists to it, which encouraged the Egyptian authorities to take steps to facilitate the visit to that spot in the «Red Earth». And the title of the red earth of this appeared in the ancient Egyptian civilization as black civilization called the valley of the Nile silt with black, red and surrounded by desert land.

The Oasis of Siwa oasis is the farthest among the other: marine and Farafra, Dakhla, and outflows, and its population has remained almost separate from Egypt to the late nineteenth century. The Oasis offers everything that flirts with the imagination of tourists: palm trees embracing on the lakes of fresh water and salt, Ktibat sand giant, and the ruins of cities mud remaining witness to the famous Siwa and the altitude would Ages Greek - Romanian, so that some people believe in the existence of the tomb of Alexander the Great in it.

The best time to visit Siwa is in spring or autumn, when the people of Siwa lives be celebrations and air temperature are moderate. And attract the city of Siwa large numbers of tourists who wish to learn the culture and traditions of society, and since the discovery of Siwa as a tourist destination, the number of restaurants and cafes, where, as containing the Siwa road all the services needed by the visitors from pharmacies, hospital, post office, phones, and others. Also improved the quality of hotels. It also allows for tourists to stay in tents after obtaining approval from the Tourist Police.

And the name of Siwa in the language Pharaonic «Shali» and there are several archaeological sites dating back to the Pharaonic era and Roman times and the climate is continental very cold in winter and Hdidahararh summer and mild in spring and autumn are the most important attractions and archaeological Temple of Amun, east of Siwa and the Mountain of the Dead, which includes tombs of pharaohs dating back to the family 26 as well as al Qaeda, which culminated in the largest and Fahaaloxander Bermalhaawhita Oasis features which lend themselves to the work of sand baths for patients with arthritis, the most important springs and wells in Siwa: Cleopatra bath, set the spammer, RAF, Melloul, in-law.

                                                            Bahariya Oasis 
Located south west of Giza at a distance of 360 km and 180 km west of Assiut climate is mild in summer and winter and the mountains and valleys and olive trees, apricots and includes about 268 kind sulfur and metal as well as the pharaohs and Romanian zones and short Albauwayta There is also the possibility to hunt ducks and deer, and migratory birds.


Chalets conservative and there is a swimming pool and shopping mall can be accessed via or Giza Farafra Oasis.

                                                            Medical Tourism

Spread in the oases sulfur springs and mineral features installed chemical unique places in the ranking the greatest sulfur springs and mineral in the world as well as on the availability of silt in the pools of these eyes as characterized by the properties of therapeutic cures of many diseases of the digestive, respiratory and skin diseases, etc. Most of these eyes are found in an oasis of Fayoum, emerging, Dakhla, Farafra, marine, Siwa, and the eyes of the Qattara Depression.

                                                            Tourism motor-oasis

Was to link the oases effective impact in attracting tourists, the car behaves the way to the oasis from Cairo to the sea and on to Farafra and then entering the emerging Assiut to Cairo to enjoy watching the beautiful oasis on a long journey

                                              Matrouh Governorate
                                                Marsa Matrouh:

Located 290 km west of Alexandria and 222 km from Sallum and 524 km from Cairo, a small port on the Mediterranean coast is famous for Bashatiha about seven km stretch has seen both the Ministry as of the most beautiful beaches of the world.

Bermalh advantage of this soft white beach and calm transparent waters protected as a series of natural rock in the middle slot to allow the passage of light ships. This is because the history of this beautiful beach to the era of Alexander the Great at the time «Bratneyum» They call it also «ammonia» It is said that Alexander the Great stopped at this place during his historic journey to offer their allegiance to the god Amun cultivated until it becomes a son to him and his ruling will be an extension of the history of the rule of the pharaohs, there remains Temple of Ramses II era Matruh 1200 BC. m.

The most important monuments and tourist attractions in Marsa Matrouh
Egyptian navy: built during the reign of the Ptolemies and no effects in the lake, which lies west of the port.

Coptic Church: built in the early Coptic period, and there were caves with ancient inscriptions.

Rommel cache: a cave carved in the rock was used by Rommel in the development of war plans and became a museum of war.

Cleopatra Bath: Located above the hills, a rock in the sea at a distance of 50 m from the beach and can be accessed by boat or sail or steam, or walk away.

White Beach is located 30 kilometers west of Matrouh and beauty beyond the beach Marsa Matrouh.

Wonderful beach is located about 28 km west of Marsa Matrouh and the advantage of natural caves and scenic.

The beginning of wisdom: located 85 km east of Matruh and the advantage of quiet beach.

In the province of Eastern famous is the breeding and sale of horses, one of the areas attractive for tourism Arab, thus pushing the Ministry of Tourism to establish an annual festival of horses, and that this region history where it was at home the facts of the story of Prophet Yusuf and walked in its streets by the Holy Family is the most important landmarks of Tel Basta Pharaonic and Saft Henna Tel Pharaoh, Abu Yassin and Tokh Alqramos Tanis and Eastern Region and there are churches, mosques, monuments and museums in addition to her fame hunting ducks and deer.

                                                                     Future Plans
The future development plan prepared by the Tourism Development Authority until 2017 to divide the region into six new tourist centers, totaling 10000 (ten thousand) hotel rooms, services and facilities of each center. These services include facilities and plants for the desalination of water and sanitation, energy and communication networks and wireless telephone and is divided into these centers, which are separated by isolation of natural areas as follows:
1 Ain Sukhna: «1500» Chamber of the beach area and «500» back room area.
Majesty 2: «800» Chamber of the beach area and 200 rooms in the region the background.
3 Center north of Abu stairs: with «1000» hotel rooms in the front and «600» hotel rooms in the villages built on mountain and will be expanded this center within the region of desert and dune valley in order to organize safaris and adventures and the establishment of the desert villages.
4 Status south of Abu stairs: with «1200» rooms, the beach area which is characterized by Bhiabha and rare rock formations.
5 Centre Houri: includes «1500» hotel rooms in the beach area.
Jerivat 6 Status: Contains «1300» hotel rooms in the beach area.
7 Center North Zafarana: Contains «1000» hotel rooms in the beach area.

                            Incentives and facilities for investment in tourism
The government placed on the list of priorities of its policy of encouraging the private sector, both domestic and international, to invest in various sectors of production and services and play a bigger role in the development of national economy, and for that government gives investors a package of incentives, exemptions and facilities, providing for the establishment of tourism projects that are held areas desert such as the Ain Sukhna and Zafarana, the following incentives:
An exemption from profit tax for ten years starting from the fiscal year that comes after the startup.
2 delivers the renewal period of exemption from profit tax for five more years with the consent of the Council of Ministers.
3 Exemption from stamp tax on capital.
4 Exemption from stamp tax and registration requirements for all construction contracts until the date on which the implementation of the project.

                                                                  Theme parks
                                                                The October 6
                                                                 Dream Park
Is one of the most famous nightclubs, the largest of which was held over a wide area and enjoys a good reputation and put the investments of millions of dollars have been reflected in the diversity and renewal for game.

                                                                 Magic Land 

Which is an amusement park for the city's media production that is open to the world of art has its astronauts encounters heroes and stars as well as a work of art for games where there are offers for the dolphins.

                                         New area of ​​Egypt, Nasr City:                                                             
                                                                Aqua Park
On the road to Cairo - Ismailia near the market cross market months, the city of Cairo at all.

                                                      Amusement Geroland
                                Ismailia road - the entrance to city transit.

                                                        Gardens and public parks
Is one of the most beautiful zoos in the world was established in 1890 on an area of ​​80 acres and has a huge collection of animals and birds as well as rare species of plants and trees and located in an area distinct from the province of Giza near the Cairo University.

                                                                Pharaonic Village

Located in St.. Sea Great Giza and an area of ​​up to 32 acres and dazzling where she looks like a piece of history of ancient Egypt, where wearing all staff uniforms Pharaonic are also displayed for all activities that were practiced by ancient Egyptians and visitors can take a trip Nile in the heart of the Nile will last for two hours.

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