الثلاثاء، 16 أغسطس 2011

Adventure and Recreation in Egypt

The land of pyramids and Nile River, Egypt offers varied adventure and recreation activity for its guests. From
 adventurous filled desert safaris to unique way of exploring marine life in Egypt and from hiking highest mountains of Egypt to unique way of knowing about diversity of birds, Egypt has everything for all.
Nile River Cruises vacations in Egypt can be a memorable experience if you want fun filled relaxing vacations along with luxuries of comfort.During Nile River Cruise in Egypt one also gets opportunity to tour ancient city of Thebes-present Luxor, legendary pyramids and Great Sphinx at Giza, capital city Cairo and Djoser's step pyramid in Sakkara along with other attractions.
Diving in Egypt is a truly funfilled adventure activity as there are numerous diving and snorkeling places in Egypt. Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada and Dahab are most popular diving sites in Egypt.
Egypt offers a wide choice of desert safari activities both in eastern desert as well as in western desert for the travelers seeking a truly magnificent and unique experience. Desert safari tour offers great challenging expeditions and requires both physical and mental strength.
Birding in Egypt is one of favorite pastime activity that is filled with complete adventure and knowledge. This favorite recreation activity offers something different and unique experience.
Hiking in Egypt is another great adventure and recreation activity. Along with Bird watching, scuba diving, desert safaris and Nile River cruises, hiking is a great pastime that offers visitors to explore the amazing and mysterious land of Egypt.

Egypt is one of the most prominent tourist attractions in the world
Because of its many tourist treasures of the faces
It is the most important cultural tourism, where ancient civilizations similar to the eye
And to pronounce what it was that the nations that built civilizations since the dawn of history.

Next to the ancient cultural tourism product, the accumulation of these civilizations tender stockpiled in a unique human heritage reflected in the lives of the Egyptians, rich and diverse patterns of distinct natures, manners and customs of the Egyptians made the same.
Almajabul Basarh legacy of an ancient civilization, a tourist attraction alone.

Did not hold back nature of Egypt Bataúha was given by God Almighty exclusive in nature, enticing eyes and hearts, not only the beauty and magic as soon as the Nile and the pot forever settle it, but spread the beauty of Egypt to decorate Ssahelaha Bahrain White, red, and dive deep into their level and spreads in the desert and made it all the title months .. Egypt genius of the place, Egypt is well known .. In history are the months .. Pharaonic, Greek, Romanian, Arab, Islamic, and in philanthropy, is the plant and store product, the Arab Cultural and humanitarian, in thought, literature, politics, art, journalism and architecture, has monopolized Egypt frequently areas attractive for tourism and associated with these ingredients enormous product of the Egyptian tourism infrastructure developed and modern facilities, installations and different requirements of services high-end tourism from a wide range of the most luxurious international hotels to the transport network air and ground, sea and river distinct and to communication facilities and centers of guidance a tourist making a visit to the tourist to Egypt, whatever the purpose and intent of a visit full of fun and excitement and interest.

Adventure and Recreation in Egypt

The land of pyramids and Nile River, Egypt offers varied adventure and recreation activity for its guests. From
 adventurous filled desert safaris to unique way of exploring marine life in Egypt and from hiking highest mountains of Egypt to unique way of knowing about diversity of birds, Egypt has everything for all.
Nile River Cruises vacations in Egypt can be a memorable experience if you want fun filled relaxing vacations along with luxuries of comfort.During Nile River Cruise in Egypt one also gets opportunity to tour ancient city of Thebes-present Luxor, legendary pyramids and Great Sphinx at Giza, capital city Cairo and Djoser's step pyramid in Sakkara along with other attractions.
Diving in Egypt is a truly funfilled adventure activity as there are numerous diving and snorkeling places in Egypt. Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada and Dahab are most popular diving sites in Egypt.
Egypt offers a wide choice of desert safari activities both in eastern desert as well as in western desert for the travelers seeking a truly magnificent and unique experience. Desert safari tour offers great challenging expeditions and requires both physical and mental strength.
Birding in Egypt is one of favorite pastime activity that is filled with complete adventure and knowledge. This favorite recreation activity offers something different and unique experience.
Hiking in Egypt is another great adventure and recreation activity. Along with Bird watching, scuba diving, desert safaris and Nile River cruises, hiking is a great pastime that offers visitors to explore the amazing and mysterious land of Egypt.

Egypt is one of the most prominent tourist attractions in the world
Because of its many tourist treasures of the faces
It is the most important cultural tourism, where ancient civilizations similar to the eye
And to pronounce what it was that the nations that built civilizations since the dawn of history.

Next to the ancient cultural tourism product, the accumulation of these civilizations tender stockpiled in a unique human heritage reflected in the lives of the Egyptians, rich and diverse patterns of distinct natures, manners and customs of the Egyptians made the same.
Almajabul Basarh legacy of an ancient civilization, a tourist attraction alone.

Did not hold back nature of Egypt Bataúha was given by God Almighty exclusive in nature, enticing eyes and hearts, not only the beauty and magic as soon as the Nile and the pot forever settle it, but spread the beauty of Egypt to decorate Ssahelaha Bahrain White, red, and dive deep into their level and spreads in the desert and made it all the title months .. Egypt genius of the place, Egypt is well known .. In history are the months .. Pharaonic, Greek, Romanian, Arab, Islamic, and in philanthropy, is the plant and store product, the Arab Cultural and humanitarian, in thought, literature, politics, art, journalism and architecture, has monopolized Egypt frequently areas attractive for tourism and associated with these ingredients enormous product of the Egyptian tourism infrastructure developed and modern facilities, installations and different requirements of services high-end tourism from a wide range of the most luxurious international hotels to the transport network air and ground, sea and river distinct and to communication facilities and centers of guidance a tourist making a visit to the tourist to Egypt, whatever the purpose and intent of a visit full of fun and excitement and interest.

Culture of Egypt

First: Arts

A - Writing

See also: Language, writing and mathematics in ancient Egypt

History will not forget the Egyptians preferred to humanity in the invention of writing, has been done before the era of unification of the country, writing and record aspects of the ancient Egyptians their political, religious, cultural and economic development.

Development of writing

Register ancient Egyptians their ideas through images, each image shows a particular word, in order to write the ancient Egyptians the word "fish" painted the image thumbnail, and named this writing "hieroglyphic," and was used on the walls of temples, and paintings of stone and wood, and written from top to bottom or the contrary, from right to left or vice versa. These hieroglyphics were used in the registration of religious texts, as well known as the "Bible Line".

Then came a simplified type of writing called "hieratic" (ie, the line of the clergy), and used in religious books and literary texts in the Middle Kingdom.

Finally emerged demotic writing (ie writing the People), which was used in all aspects of life, and spread in later times, and modern Ptolemies and Romans.

How did we get to read ancient Egyptian writing?

In 1799, the French military found the difference to "Rosetta Stone" near the city of "Rashid" the Egyptian, was a key, which reveal the meaning of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. And "Rosetta Stone" is a block of black basalt inscribed in about 196 BC. M praise of the king "of Ptolemy V" in the form of three parallel inscriptions, and it is also available in hieroglyphs, and demotic Egyptian and Greek. Comparing the three languages ​​possible for scientists decoding the hieroglyphic mysteries of language, and marking the foundations of modern Egyptology. The Rosetta Stone is now before the British Museum in London.

After the advent of the French expedition to Egypt in 1798, found a officers campaign on a stone known as the "Rosetta Stone", and carried him to France, and managed the world's French "Hmpelaon" Jean François Champollion to decipher writing on it, grass-read left by the ancient Egyptians from the writings of on the walls of tombs and temples, or on papyrus scrolls. In recognition of the efforts of this world, the French, the Egyptian government has launched his name on a major street in the city of Cairo.

Writing Tools

Panel of the author from the tomb of Egyptian Scribe "Nbamom" Nebamum to "good" (circa 1400 BC. M).

The ancient Egyptians used the pointed pen made of bamboo, and black or red ink, and wood panels and papyrus, and wrote the ancient Egyptians were a roll of papyrus Qratis, and most of them we take our knowledge of the civilization of the ancient Egyptians.

B - Types of Ancient Egyptian literature

Section of a copy "Book of the Dead", which dates back to the beginning of the family of 19 (about 1310 BC.), And depicts the final trial for the dead in front of "Osiris" the god of the dead (which in this version "is - Never" Hu-Nefer by Royal) . And explain the hieroglyphics and drawings in this section of the Dead ritual weight of the heart before it can be granted eternal life happy.

Writing the ancient Egyptian, ancient Egyptians record the various literature that portrayed all aspects of life, such as:


Religious literature: dealing with the religious beliefs of the Egyptians, and other theories about life, and rebirth, immortality, and the creation of the universe, gods, myths and religion. Such as the Pyramid Texts (pyramid "Unas" B "Saqqara"), which scored on the walls of some of the pyramids to be of help to the deceased in the afterlife, and the Book of the Dead is a religious literature written on papyrus and placed with the dead to help him and protect him is helpful to the dead save him from hell , and also religious mythology myth of "Isis" and "Osiris", which describes the victory of truth and justice no matter how long injustice and falsehood.


Fiction: the ancient Egyptians excelled in writing stories, which was what happened in their day (the story of "Snohy"), including the Al-Kharafi (the story of a drowning man navigator).


Althveby literature: a rule and teachings, advice and moral commandments, the most famous of those wise words of advice "Ptah Hotep" in the Old and wise "Any" in the era of the modern state.


Literature praise: a literature intended to glorify the acts of kings, or persons, or praise Bbtoulthm or virtue.

Snohy story (of fiction, a true story)

The story revolves around the leader "Snohy" the commander of the army of King "Amenemhat I," in the Middle Kingdom, has fled when he heard the death of the king, and took the Crown "Senusret" where the rule was "Snohy" enemy. Arrived "Snohy" to a Bedouin sheikhs in Palestine, who honored him and his wife, eldest daughter, Vhakd on "Snohy" neighbors, and the back of them a boy asked Mbarzath, and won "Snohy" and spent it. Under the "Snohy" in Palestine, until it became an old man, and increased longing for his homeland Aziz of Egypt, and Pharaoh learned what pardoned "Snohy," and honored him and named him in court.

Story navigator drowning (from fiction, a fairy Qusay)

Tells the story that the navigator Egyptian rode a ship in the Red Sea to go to a distant country, and severe storm flooded the ship's passengers, other than that the Egyptian, who landed on the island, and take the parade in search of food, and if it corresponds to a snake 300-arm, is owned by terror, but assured him that the snake after narrated what happened to him, and he lived on the island, the Egyptian months, and if the Egyptian ship pass, Fathmlh to the homeland of Egypt, after this arduous journey and the horrors of.

The myth of Isis and Osiris (fictional legend tells us a lot of the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians)

Legend has it: god of the earth and the God of heaven were a couple They had two sons: "Osiris," and "six", and two daughters are the "Isis" and "Nephthys", and married "Osiris" from his sister, "Isis," and married "six" sister "Nephthys "The rule of" Osiris, "a fair verdict, loved people, and the" six "was hated evil, his heart was filled with hatred for his brother," Osiris, "and plotting plots to get rid of it.

The god "Osiris" holding the stick of Kings (with the end of the square Kalkhtaf) and the scepter of the gods.

Set up a "six" feast called for by some of his friends from the gods, and of them, "Osiris," and announced a "six" to the guests that he had prepared a coffin adorned with precious stones will win him from being on the size of his body as a gift, and was "set" has made the coffin to fit the body of his brother "Osiris."

Take each and every one sleeps in the coffin to see if the size of his body even win it, until he came to the role of "Osiris", and when D "Osiris' body in it, quickly," six "and his aides and closed it the coffin, and threw him into the Nile, left him the power to the sea average, and there his waves to the coast of "Phoenicia" (Lebanon current).

When I learned of "Isis" by what happened to her husband, sad very sad and are looking for, even guided into place and carried the corpse with her to Egypt, where she has hidden in the jungles of the Delta, and took prayed to God to respond to her husband to life.

God answered the call of "Isis", and life returned to "Osiris", but "six" villain was able to find his brother, and tore his body and delivered their parts in the different regions of Egypt.

The "Isis" has had a litter, "Osiris," a child is "Horis" (Horus), who avenged a "six" and fought him and defeated him, The "Osiris" has become the god of the dead after he refused to return to this world full of evil.

See also: Abydos and Dendera: The Legend of Auxerre and Ise

"Isis" breastfeed "Horus."

II: Science

Recent statements proved that the ancient Egyptians had their science was based on the experience and expertise, and research organized, and most important of these sciences:

A - astronomy and calculate the time

The debt, coupled with the lives of the ancient Egyptians the greatest impact in the development of astronomy, and the priests, "Heliopolis" was the first paid attention to the study of astronomy, and have come to know many of the positions of the stars and planets. Also invented the ancient Egyptians solar calendar (based on the solar cycle), and divided the year into twelve months, each of thirty days, bringing the number of days in the year 360 days, and stayed five days last year, they call it days "postponing", as general chapters divided into three chapters, and also used machines to measure the hours of the night and day.

B - Engineering and Math

Ancient Pharaonic Papyrus of the 17th century BC (ie, some 3,700 years ago) is a reference in the mathematics reveals to us that the ancient Egyptians used the decimal system.

Ancient Egyptians knew out account and rules, they created the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and reached out to ordinary fractions, as applied in engineering, he who contemplates the various pyramids can be estimated that the implementation was based on the principles of engineering. The ancient Egyptians knew area of ​​the square and rectangle, and used the account to know in an area of ​​agricultural land and crop assessment, the degree of increase or decrease of the River Nile, the registration of the salaries of civil servants and soldiers. The units of measurement of land area foot and arm.

C - Medical and mummification

Mummy of King Seti I. Seti I

Ancient Egyptians knew a lot about the human body and diseases and methods of treatment, there was a medical specialist for internal diseases, and for the eyes and teeth and surgery. The ancient Egyptians excelled in embalming, not least on the skill of the bodies of some Pharaohs still retain the appearance and shape despite the passage of thousands of years. Among the most famous doctors of the Egyptians "Aamahotb" who lived in the Third Dynasty.

Doctor of ancient Egypt seems to be nobility and intelligence.

There in the tomb "Ankhma - Poplar" Ankhma-Hor to "Saqqara" great paintings from the era of the Sixth Dynasty vision surgery in the fingers and the process of circumcision.

D - Chemistry

Egyptians are the first to know chemistry, the Nbgua in the manufacture of dyes of different colors and also excelled in the manufacture of drugs and medicines of herbal plant, as well as in the preparation of chemicals for embalming.

III: Arts

A - Architecture

Houses: The ancient Egyptians built houses of brick, and consists of one floor or two, doctrine of resurrection and immortality to the ancient Egyptians paid no attention to building housing, and attention to building a house as the graves of immortality.

Cemeteries: Most of the tombs of the ancient Egyptians built on the western coast of the River Nile, where the result of observation Imagine a sunset, that the West is the real entrance to the Kingdom of the dead. In the modern state of ancient tombs carved in the rocks of the mountains west of "good" ("Valley of the Kings").

A visit to the tomb of King "Amenhotep II" to "Valley of the Kings" - and the King "Amenhotep II" is the seventh of the 18 kings of the family and the son of the great king, "Thutmose III".

The evolution of cemeteries in Pharaonic Egypt

The cemetery was first hole under the surface of the deceased is placed in the ground, and filled in the dirt. Developed into the hole to a room or two rooms beneath the surface of the Earth built from mud brick and have peace Aousel it. And then evolved to a room under the terrace above the surface of the earth on the surface of the earth. Then developed into a pyramid consists of several terraces, each smaller than that below it. Then evolved into a full pyramid.

Temples - the temples are divided into two parts:

Temple of Luxor.

* The great temples: the worship of a god in the "good" ("Amen"), including the Temple of Karnak, which is the largest house of worship in the world, and the Temple of Luxor.

* Minor temples: a funeral in order to be held by the religious rituals and funeral rites to Pharaoh, and especially the priests and the people of Pharaoh, for instance Temple "Hatshepsut" B "Bahari", and the Temple "Alrmseyoum," which was built by "Ramses II".

A tour of the Temple of Karnak, which is the largest house of worship in the world

Tour of Luxor Temple

A tour of the Temple "Alrmseyoum," which was built by the King, "Ramses II"

B - sculpture, painting and photography

Obelisk of Luxor, which was given to Egypt to France now stands tall in the middle of Place de la Concorde in the heart of Paris, a witness to the greatness of the pharaohs.

The ancient Egyptians excelled in carving obelisks towering height, and in painting, sculpture, and photography on the walls and painted.

Image of the Statue of Sheikh country, which is currently before the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Tour in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, where you can see the Statue of Sheikh country and the treasures of the king "Tutankhamun"

Panel wall of the Temple of the King "Ramses III" (1182 - 1151 BC). Luxor.

The ancient Egyptians excelled in the manufacture of dyes and colors that are resistant to various factors as shown by the time this painting wood color of the god "Horus" (the right of the painting), which returns to the period from 950-730 BC. M.

Agricultural scenes from the tomb "from us" Menena (circa 1567 BC). To "good." The ancient Egyptians excelled in agriculture and also excelled in portraying everyday life in all its details, as shown by the magnificent paintings, which they left us thousands of years ago and still retain detail and bright colors to this day.

Panel wall of "good" due to the New Kingdom (circa 1400 BC.), And a painting depicting a luncheon featuring the slaves and they provide food for the nobles and their wives.

Culture of Egypt

First: Arts

A - Writing

See also: Language, writing and mathematics in ancient Egypt

History will not forget the Egyptians preferred to humanity in the invention of writing, has been done before the era of unification of the country, writing and record aspects of the ancient Egyptians their political, religious, cultural and economic development.

Development of writing

Register ancient Egyptians their ideas through images, each image shows a particular word, in order to write the ancient Egyptians the word "fish" painted the image thumbnail, and named this writing "hieroglyphic," and was used on the walls of temples, and paintings of stone and wood, and written from top to bottom or the contrary, from right to left or vice versa. These hieroglyphics were used in the registration of religious texts, as well known as the "Bible Line".

Then came a simplified type of writing called "hieratic" (ie, the line of the clergy), and used in religious books and literary texts in the Middle Kingdom.

Finally emerged demotic writing (ie writing the People), which was used in all aspects of life, and spread in later times, and modern Ptolemies and Romans.

How did we get to read ancient Egyptian writing?

In 1799, the French military found the difference to "Rosetta Stone" near the city of "Rashid" the Egyptian, was a key, which reveal the meaning of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. And "Rosetta Stone" is a block of black basalt inscribed in about 196 BC. M praise of the king "of Ptolemy V" in the form of three parallel inscriptions, and it is also available in hieroglyphs, and demotic Egyptian and Greek. Comparing the three languages ​​possible for scientists decoding the hieroglyphic mysteries of language, and marking the foundations of modern Egyptology. The Rosetta Stone is now before the British Museum in London.

After the advent of the French expedition to Egypt in 1798, found a officers campaign on a stone known as the "Rosetta Stone", and carried him to France, and managed the world's French "Hmpelaon" Jean François Champollion to decipher writing on it, grass-read left by the ancient Egyptians from the writings of on the walls of tombs and temples, or on papyrus scrolls. In recognition of the efforts of this world, the French, the Egyptian government has launched his name on a major street in the city of Cairo.

Writing Tools

Panel of the author from the tomb of Egyptian Scribe "Nbamom" Nebamum to "good" (circa 1400 BC. M).

The ancient Egyptians used the pointed pen made of bamboo, and black or red ink, and wood panels and papyrus, and wrote the ancient Egyptians were a roll of papyrus Qratis, and most of them we take our knowledge of the civilization of the ancient Egyptians.

B - Types of Ancient Egyptian literature

Section of a copy "Book of the Dead", which dates back to the beginning of the family of 19 (about 1310 BC.), And depicts the final trial for the dead in front of "Osiris" the god of the dead (which in this version "is - Never" Hu-Nefer by Royal) . And explain the hieroglyphics and drawings in this section of the Dead ritual weight of the heart before it can be granted eternal life happy.

Writing the ancient Egyptian, ancient Egyptians record the various literature that portrayed all aspects of life, such as:


Religious literature: dealing with the religious beliefs of the Egyptians, and other theories about life, and rebirth, immortality, and the creation of the universe, gods, myths and religion. Such as the Pyramid Texts (pyramid "Unas" B "Saqqara"), which scored on the walls of some of the pyramids to be of help to the deceased in the afterlife, and the Book of the Dead is a religious literature written on papyrus and placed with the dead to help him and protect him is helpful to the dead save him from hell , and also religious mythology myth of "Isis" and "Osiris", which describes the victory of truth and justice no matter how long injustice and falsehood.


Fiction: the ancient Egyptians excelled in writing stories, which was what happened in their day (the story of "Snohy"), including the Al-Kharafi (the story of a drowning man navigator).


Althveby literature: a rule and teachings, advice and moral commandments, the most famous of those wise words of advice "Ptah Hotep" in the Old and wise "Any" in the era of the modern state.


Literature praise: a literature intended to glorify the acts of kings, or persons, or praise Bbtoulthm or virtue.

Snohy story (of fiction, a true story)

The story revolves around the leader "Snohy" the commander of the army of King "Amenemhat I," in the Middle Kingdom, has fled when he heard the death of the king, and took the Crown "Senusret" where the rule was "Snohy" enemy. Arrived "Snohy" to a Bedouin sheikhs in Palestine, who honored him and his wife, eldest daughter, Vhakd on "Snohy" neighbors, and the back of them a boy asked Mbarzath, and won "Snohy" and spent it. Under the "Snohy" in Palestine, until it became an old man, and increased longing for his homeland Aziz of Egypt, and Pharaoh learned what pardoned "Snohy," and honored him and named him in court.

Story navigator drowning (from fiction, a fairy Qusay)

Tells the story that the navigator Egyptian rode a ship in the Red Sea to go to a distant country, and severe storm flooded the ship's passengers, other than that the Egyptian, who landed on the island, and take the parade in search of food, and if it corresponds to a snake 300-arm, is owned by terror, but assured him that the snake after narrated what happened to him, and he lived on the island, the Egyptian months, and if the Egyptian ship pass, Fathmlh to the homeland of Egypt, after this arduous journey and the horrors of.

The myth of Isis and Osiris (fictional legend tells us a lot of the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians)

Legend has it: god of the earth and the God of heaven were a couple They had two sons: "Osiris," and "six", and two daughters are the "Isis" and "Nephthys", and married "Osiris" from his sister, "Isis," and married "six" sister "Nephthys "The rule of" Osiris, "a fair verdict, loved people, and the" six "was hated evil, his heart was filled with hatred for his brother," Osiris, "and plotting plots to get rid of it.

The god "Osiris" holding the stick of Kings (with the end of the square Kalkhtaf) and the scepter of the gods.

Set up a "six" feast called for by some of his friends from the gods, and of them, "Osiris," and announced a "six" to the guests that he had prepared a coffin adorned with precious stones will win him from being on the size of his body as a gift, and was "set" has made the coffin to fit the body of his brother "Osiris."

Take each and every one sleeps in the coffin to see if the size of his body even win it, until he came to the role of "Osiris", and when D "Osiris' body in it, quickly," six "and his aides and closed it the coffin, and threw him into the Nile, left him the power to the sea average, and there his waves to the coast of "Phoenicia" (Lebanon current).

When I learned of "Isis" by what happened to her husband, sad very sad and are looking for, even guided into place and carried the corpse with her to Egypt, where she has hidden in the jungles of the Delta, and took prayed to God to respond to her husband to life.

God answered the call of "Isis", and life returned to "Osiris", but "six" villain was able to find his brother, and tore his body and delivered their parts in the different regions of Egypt.

The "Isis" has had a litter, "Osiris," a child is "Horis" (Horus), who avenged a "six" and fought him and defeated him, The "Osiris" has become the god of the dead after he refused to return to this world full of evil.

See also: Abydos and Dendera: The Legend of Auxerre and Ise

"Isis" breastfeed "Horus."

II: Science

Recent statements proved that the ancient Egyptians had their science was based on the experience and expertise, and research organized, and most important of these sciences:

A - astronomy and calculate the time

The debt, coupled with the lives of the ancient Egyptians the greatest impact in the development of astronomy, and the priests, "Heliopolis" was the first paid attention to the study of astronomy, and have come to know many of the positions of the stars and planets. Also invented the ancient Egyptians solar calendar (based on the solar cycle), and divided the year into twelve months, each of thirty days, bringing the number of days in the year 360 days, and stayed five days last year, they call it days "postponing", as general chapters divided into three chapters, and also used machines to measure the hours of the night and day.

B - Engineering and Math

Ancient Pharaonic Papyrus of the 17th century BC (ie, some 3,700 years ago) is a reference in the mathematics reveals to us that the ancient Egyptians used the decimal system.

Ancient Egyptians knew out account and rules, they created the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and reached out to ordinary fractions, as applied in engineering, he who contemplates the various pyramids can be estimated that the implementation was based on the principles of engineering. The ancient Egyptians knew area of ​​the square and rectangle, and used the account to know in an area of ​​agricultural land and crop assessment, the degree of increase or decrease of the River Nile, the registration of the salaries of civil servants and soldiers. The units of measurement of land area foot and arm.

C - Medical and mummification

Mummy of King Seti I. Seti I

Ancient Egyptians knew a lot about the human body and diseases and methods of treatment, there was a medical specialist for internal diseases, and for the eyes and teeth and surgery. The ancient Egyptians excelled in embalming, not least on the skill of the bodies of some Pharaohs still retain the appearance and shape despite the passage of thousands of years. Among the most famous doctors of the Egyptians "Aamahotb" who lived in the Third Dynasty.

Doctor of ancient Egypt seems to be nobility and intelligence.

There in the tomb "Ankhma - Poplar" Ankhma-Hor to "Saqqara" great paintings from the era of the Sixth Dynasty vision surgery in the fingers and the process of circumcision.

D - Chemistry

Egyptians are the first to know chemistry, the Nbgua in the manufacture of dyes of different colors and also excelled in the manufacture of drugs and medicines of herbal plant, as well as in the preparation of chemicals for embalming.

III: Arts

A - Architecture

Houses: The ancient Egyptians built houses of brick, and consists of one floor or two, doctrine of resurrection and immortality to the ancient Egyptians paid no attention to building housing, and attention to building a house as the graves of immortality.

Cemeteries: Most of the tombs of the ancient Egyptians built on the western coast of the River Nile, where the result of observation Imagine a sunset, that the West is the real entrance to the Kingdom of the dead. In the modern state of ancient tombs carved in the rocks of the mountains west of "good" ("Valley of the Kings").

A visit to the tomb of King "Amenhotep II" to "Valley of the Kings" - and the King "Amenhotep II" is the seventh of the 18 kings of the family and the son of the great king, "Thutmose III".

The evolution of cemeteries in Pharaonic Egypt

The cemetery was first hole under the surface of the deceased is placed in the ground, and filled in the dirt. Developed into the hole to a room or two rooms beneath the surface of the Earth built from mud brick and have peace Aousel it. And then evolved to a room under the terrace above the surface of the earth on the surface of the earth. Then developed into a pyramid consists of several terraces, each smaller than that below it. Then evolved into a full pyramid.

Temples - the temples are divided into two parts:

Temple of Luxor.

* The great temples: the worship of a god in the "good" ("Amen"), including the Temple of Karnak, which is the largest house of worship in the world, and the Temple of Luxor.

* Minor temples: a funeral in order to be held by the religious rituals and funeral rites to Pharaoh, and especially the priests and the people of Pharaoh, for instance Temple "Hatshepsut" B "Bahari", and the Temple "Alrmseyoum," which was built by "Ramses II".

A tour of the Temple of Karnak, which is the largest house of worship in the world

Tour of Luxor Temple

A tour of the Temple "Alrmseyoum," which was built by the King, "Ramses II"

B - sculpture, painting and photography

Obelisk of Luxor, which was given to Egypt to France now stands tall in the middle of Place de la Concorde in the heart of Paris, a witness to the greatness of the pharaohs.

The ancient Egyptians excelled in carving obelisks towering height, and in painting, sculpture, and photography on the walls and painted.

Image of the Statue of Sheikh country, which is currently before the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Tour in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, where you can see the Statue of Sheikh country and the treasures of the king "Tutankhamun"

Panel wall of the Temple of the King "Ramses III" (1182 - 1151 BC). Luxor.

The ancient Egyptians excelled in the manufacture of dyes and colors that are resistant to various factors as shown by the time this painting wood color of the god "Horus" (the right of the painting), which returns to the period from 950-730 BC. M.

Agricultural scenes from the tomb "from us" Menena (circa 1567 BC). To "good." The ancient Egyptians excelled in agriculture and also excelled in portraying everyday life in all its details, as shown by the magnificent paintings, which they left us thousands of years ago and still retain detail and bright colors to this day.

Panel wall of "good" due to the New Kingdom (circa 1400 BC.), And a painting depicting a luncheon featuring the slaves and they provide food for the nobles and their wives.